Survey Junkie Review (2024): Is It Legitimate?

by | Updated Jun 9, 2024 | 14 comments

Considering ways to make quick money online?

Chances are, you’ve come across SurveyJunkie.

SurveyJunkie stands out as a renowned online platform, promising real cash rewards in exchange for your opinions.

You might be pondering:

  • Is Survey Junkie legit?
  • What happens behind the scenes?
  • What are the potential daily earnings?

If these queries resonate with you, you’re in the right place.

Pressed for time?

For a concise overview, jump straight to the SurveyJunkie Review Summary.

Let’s begin…

What Is Survey Junkie?

It is an online survey platform that allows you to earn extra money by answering surveys.

Pretty straightforward, right?

Survey Junkie has been in business for over 12 years. So, it’s safe to say they’ve been around the block and have made a name for themselves.

🎥 Check out their official video:

Sounds like a sweet deal, doesn’t it?

Hold onto your horses!

Like everything on the internet, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Every platform has its ups and downs, and SurveyJunkie is no different.

Stick around, and I’ll spill what you need to know.

How Does SurveyJunkie Work?

Alright, let’s break it down step by step:

1. Sign Up

First, you’ve got to create a free account.

2. Little Intro Survey

Once you’re in, they’ll ask you to complete a quick survey. They’ll want your email (of course), zip code, birth date, and a few other bits and bobs.

Survey Junkie review - sign up step 1
Survey Junkie review - sign up step 2
Survey Junkie review - sign up step 3
Survey Junkie review - sign up step 4
Survey Junkie review - sign up step 5

3. Welcome to the Dashboard

After the intro dance, you’ll land on their dashboard.

Here’s a sneak peek:

SurveyJunkie dashboard

4. Points System

For every survey you complete, you’ll earn points (they call them PTS).

Here’s the deal: 100 PTS = $1.

You can cash out once you hit 500 PTS, which is five bucks.

5. Cashing Out

You can get your money through PayPal (you’ll need an account for this) or gift cards. Just a heads up, if you’re raking in the big bucks, they might ask for your social security number.

6. Survey Junkie’s Help Center

Survey Junkie’s got a pretty neat help center.

It’s easy to navigate, and their FAQ section is on point. If you’re stuck or just curious, shoot them an email. Word on the street is they’re pretty quick to reply.

How Do You Earn with SurveyJunkie?

SJ Opinion

This is where you’ll find the surveys. Jump in, answer some questions, and earn those points. But keep your expectations in check.

For instance, some surveys reward you 1PT per minute(less than $1/ hour), and some reward you 6PT per minute (less than $4/ hour):

SJ Pulse

This is a browser extension.

Once you’ve got it installed, it’ll keep an eye on your online activities. They track the sites you visit, what you shop for, what you search for, etc.

They take this info, sell it (yep, that’s how they make money), and then share a bit of the profit with you.

SJ Pulse features

Turning Points into Real Money

You can request a cashout when you obtain at least 500 PTS (equal to $5).

You can redeem it via:

  • PayPal: Open to everyone.
  • E-Gift Cards: Only if you’re in the US.
  • Direct Bank Transfer: Again, US residents only.

Is SurveyJunkie Legit?

Yes! It is a legitimate business.

SurveyJunkie has stood the test of time and has been a reliable player in the market research industry for years.

Here’s more:

  • Track Record: They’ve been around for more than 12 years.
  • Always Evolving: I’ve noticed they’re constantly making improvements and updates.
  • Responsive Support: I’ve seen that they’re on the ball regarding customer service. They’ve addressed concerns and complaints across various platforms.

But, Is It Safe?

In a nutshell, yes.

However, like many online platforms, there’s always a slight risk of third parties misusing your info.

So, here’s my friendly advice:

  • Email Safety: Consider setting up a separate email just for surveys. It keeps things tidy and adds an extra layer of security.
  • Guard Your Info: It’s always a good idea to be cautious. Maybe hold back on sharing your primary email or phone number.
  • Offers Galore: Just a heads up, sometimes they might send many offers your way. It can get a bit overwhelming.

A Closer Look at Their Privacy Policy:

I took a closer look into their privacy terms.

They mention that your information might be shared in specific scenarios, like a sale of their assets. It’s something to be aware of, but it’s not uncommon in this industry.

Survey Junkie Privacy Policy

Remember, policies can evolve. It’s always good to check back now and then.

Most survey companies, including SurveyJunkie, are in the business of data. It’s how they turn a profit.

If you’re sensitive about your data privacy, avoiding them and exploring other options is okay.

Is Survey Junkie Worth Your Time?

Survey Junkie is not a scam, but let’s set some expectations:

  • Pocket Change: Consider it a way to earn a little extra for a coffee or a snack. It’s not going to pay the bills.
  • Time vs. Reward: While it’s a genuine platform, the earnings are modest. Typically, you might earn between $1 to $5 per hour.
  • No Shortcuts: There’s no secret trick to skyrocket your earnings. It’s a straightforward process: take surveys and earn a bit.
  • Looking for Big Bucks? Here’s the reality check: those high-paying surveys? They’re like unicorns – pretty rare.

In short, while it’s a real opportunity to earn a bit on the side, it’s not a ticket to financial freedom.

Valuing Your Time? Consider This:

If you, like me, believe that time is invaluable, then Survey Junkie might not be the best investment of it.

Instead, think about channeling that energy into kickstarting your online venture or exploring ways to generate passive income online. It could be a game-changer.

Who Can Join Survey Junkie?

If you’re from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, or Canada and are 18 or older, you can register for a free account and participate in available surveys.

Survey Junkie Reviews and Complaints

  • TrustPilot: Survey Junkie has garnered over 40,000 reviews with an average rating of 4.2 out of 5.
  • SiteJabber: The platform has received more than 300 reviews, averaging 1.66 out of 5.
  • Better Business Bureau (BBB): With over 1,600 reviews, Survey Junkie holds an average rating of 4.2 out of 5. Notably, there have been over 1,000 complaints, all of which have been addressed.

How Can You Delete Your Survey Junkie Account?

Considering parting ways with Survey Junkie?

If you’re already a member and wish to remove your account, follow these steps:

Here is the official guide from the SurveyJunkie help center:

how to delete survey junkie account

According to this:

You should reach out directly to their support team with a request to delete your account.

Pro Tip for New Users:

Use an alternate email address if you consider joining.

Why? Many users commonly search for account deletion steps due to promotional emails. Using a secondary email ensures your primary inbox remains clutter-free, safeguarding your privacy.

Exploring Alternatives to Survey Junkie

Survey Junkie is just one of many platforms in the expansive world of online survey sites.

If you’re exploring other survey opportunities, consider the following platforms:

  • Swagbucks: A renowned name in the survey world, Swagbucks provides multiple avenues to earn, from answering surveys to trying out new apps or even simply browsing the internet. Read my Swagbucks review.
  • InboxDollars: Offers a variety of tasks, from watching videos to online shopping, allowing users to earn. It’s a legitimate platform, but like all survey sites, user experiences can vary. Read my InboxDollars review.
  • Pinecone Research: A more selective platform, Pinecone Research is backed by The Nielsen Company. It’s reliable and has a good reputation among survey enthusiasts. Check out my Pinecone Research review.
  • One Opinion: It gives users a platform to share their views and get rewarded. The platform is user-friendly and has a variety of surveys available. Discover more in my One Opinion review.
  • Quick Rewards: With no minimum payout threshold and various earning opportunities, it’s a favorite for many. However, it’s limited to residents of Canada and the US. The platform has been around since 2002 and offers a range of activities, from viewing ads to online shopping. Read my Quick Rewards review.

While these platforms offer a way to earn, it’s essential to approach them with caution.

Remember that:

Most surveys take a lot of time from you in exchange for a tiny reward.

SurveyJunkie Review: A Quick Recap

To wrap up our deep dive into Survey Junkie, here’s a succinct summary:

  • Legitimacy: Survey Junkie is a genuine platform.
  • Experience: They’ve been in the survey business for a considerable period.
  • Accessibility: The platform caters exclusively to residents of the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.
  • Earning Mechanism: Users accumulate points through online surveys. Once they hit the $5 mark, they can cash out.
  • Earning Potential: While there’s an opportunity to earn, it’s minimal.
  • Income Expectation: It’s a platform for pocket change, not a sustainable income source.

The Bottom Line:

Participating in online surveys across various legit platforms might offer some extra cash in your spare time, but the time investment often outweighs the benefits.

Rather than settling for minimal earnings, consider investing that time into acquiring new skills, launching an online venture, freelancing, or exploring other profitable avenues.

This approach is likely to yield a more substantial return on your investment.

A Brighter Alternative:

We’re fortunate to live in an era where the digital landscape offers countless opportunities.

Starting an online business and generating passive income has never been more accessible.

If you want to leverage this potential, I’d like to introduce you to an online community that provides foundational knowledge, essential tools, and a supportive network.

The Best Part:

You can start your online journey without any initial investment.


Read about my top recommendation:

Explore My Top-Rated Program Here

What’s Your Take on Survey Junkie?

Was this review of Survey Junkie insightful for you?

Have you ever had experiences with SurveyJunkie or any other survey platforms?

I’d love to hear your opinions and questions.

Drop them in the comments section! I’ll be sure to respond at my earliest convenience.

Name: SurveyJunkie


Owners: Survey Junkie Company

LEI Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Scam or Legit: Legit!

Is it recommended? No!

Survey Junkie Logo



  1. Ryan Biddulph

    Fair and honest stuff here Ash. Paid surveys in general are fairly legit and do payout but it’s dollars, if that. Not the thousands newbies or struggling bloggers hope for 😉


    • Ash

      I absolutely agree with you Ryan. Most people are looking for a lot of money when they are starting their online journey and after a period of struggling, most of them get disappointed.
      I think it is necessary to not focus on the money at the beginning but to rewire your brain to think about how to add value. The money will naturally come when you find a way to add value.
      Wish you the best.

  2. jb

    Well very interesting site, it seems fair and straight, clean ,honest. I do not think I would do surveys because there is no real money to be made. Thank you for this review, the details you provided are great. I won’t join SurveyJunkie but for some people, it might be something to try.

    • Ash

      Thank you for the kind words. I’m glad that you found it helpful.

  3. kaeyoes

    I think you’re right about not doing this.  It looks like it would be alright if you were able to make good money off it more often.  But, to me, it kind of looks like it might be more a waste of time and effort??  It might be good for if you need a few quick bucks, but long term…. I’m not so sure that would work.

    Thank you for the review!

    • Ash

      I agree. The reward is small and you need to spend a lot of time which does not worth it long-term.

  4. Jurgen

    I’ve been a member of several survey sites in the past and although they’re legit, I do have an issue with the way they advertise. They all make it seem you can earn lots of money by just completing some surveys. I agree, this kind of advertising is appealing to many people who are desperately trying to find an extra income.

    However, like you say, these high rewards come in very often and even then, you need to be lucky.

    For me it was another experience, but I quit, because I was spending too much time, earning practically nothing.

    • Ash

      That’s what happens most of the time. At first, you find it appealing but because the reward is very small, eventually you become frustrated and quit it. I think it simply does not worth it.

  5. Brian

    Thank you for your review of Survey Junkie. I had actually heard of it before, but had been a little leery of it just because of my experience with some other survey sites, but after reading your review of it and how it isn’t a scam and there is some money limited earning potential, I may just give it a try in the future to earn some extra dollars here and there. I also like there are a lot of positive reviews of Survey Junkie with 88% of them being between 4 and 5 stars as you said. Is it easy to get qualified for a lot of the surveys there?

    • Ash

      It is a safe website and you can give it a shot if you like but don’t use your main email address. If you complete your profile carefully, you can earn a little extra money.

  6. janice gale

    I have been a member for a few years and happy with the small amounts paid because it adds up..However latelyu having problems with getting into the site..this occurs at least once every couple of weeks..I need help..thank you

    • Ash

      Survey junkie is one of the best survey sites out there and it pays relatively higher amounts compared with its rivals. Yet your earning adds up as you spend more and more time on it. If you invest the same time on creating your own online business, it will pay off in passive income which really worth it.
      About the login difficulties, I am not sure what is the problem but here are a few things that might help you:
      -You can check if the website is up here:
      -You can try different browsers or devices
      -You can contact their help center and explain the issue in detail to receive support here:
      Hope it helps

  7. Nyakona Solomon Batasi

    I hereby notice that surveyjunkie is a real job opportunity as from the comments given by the people with some knowledge concerning it. I believe this will empower most youths and make them earn to humiliate challenges facing them.

    • Ash

      It is a legit opportunity but you should keep in mind that the earning opportunity with such services is very limited and it can not replace your salary. It can help you earn a few bucks for your free time.


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