LiveGood Review (2024): 9 Things You Need to Know!

by | Updated Jun 9, 2024 | 0 comments

Can LiveGood products make you both wealthy and healthy?

Is LiveGood a scam or a golden opportunity worth your time and energy?

Stay with me as I dive deep into the world of LiveGood, a well-known Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company.

In this LiveGood review, I’ll unravel the details of its business model, compensation plan, and the psychological strategies they use.

So, let’s begin!

1. What is LiveGood?

LiveGood, based in the United States, is primarily involved in the health and wellness sector.

The operation is steered by a team of four individuals: Ben Glinsky, Ryan Goodkin, Lisa Goodkin, and Nauder Khazan.

The company’s dual-focus strategy is intriguing.

On the one hand, LiveGood purports to offer superior-quality supplements and wellness products to its consumers. On the other, it extends a business opportunity, seeking to attract individuals interested in earning an income via its MLM structure.

In essence, LiveGood positions itself as a platform where health benefits and financial gains potentially go hand in hand. In that sense, it is similar to another company called Kyani.

Too good to be true?

Keep reading, and you’ll find out.

2. Earning Potential with LiveGood: A Closer Look at Their Compensation Plan

LiveGood operates as an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) company.

The fundamental way to make money with it involves recruiting others. As your network of referrals grows and they purchase products, you receive commissions.

LiveGood offers six ways of income generation:

  1. Weekly Fast Start Commissions: You’ll pocket $25 each time a direct referral opts for the subscription and affiliate membership. Additionally, you’ll benefit from a cut of their network’s earnings up to 10 levels deep.
  2. Matrix Commissions: As new users join after you and are placed within your matrix, you receive 2.5% of their investment, which extends up to 15 levels deep.
  3. Matching Bonuses: You’ll earn a hefty 50% from the matrix commissions of your direct referrals and a percentage from their networks.
  4. Retail Commissions: If any member in your network buys a product at retail sales (with retail prices being higher than membership prices), you’ll bag 50% of the price difference.
  5. Influencer Bonuses: This is a bonus incentive that kicks in once your earnings exceed $2500, where additional commissions are awarded based on your monthly volume.
  6. Diamond and Crown Diamond Bonus Pools: Each month, 2% of the company’s total sales are divided among users who’ve reached the ‘Diamond’ status.

While this may sound like an enticing business opportunity, the complexity of these plans should not be overlooked. Remember, the real value of each sale is determined by its profit margin.

If a product costs $15 and its profit margin is $8, that’s the real value generated.

3. Understanding MLM and its Pitfalls

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), as a business model, involves earning commissions from two primary sources – your personal product sales and recruiting others into your sales network.

Imagine crafting your group of enthusiasts who appreciate the products you endorse. As your network expands, you gain a cut from their sales. They, in turn, can replicate this model by creating their teams.

However, the question remains – what’s the issue with MLM?

The principal issue prevalent in most MLM businesses is a drift in focus.

Instead of finding and promoting high-quality products, the priority becomes recruiting new members.

On paper, MLM may sound compelling, but in reality, it tends to favor a few at the top, with most of the profit flowing to them.

Furthermore, most individuals are not sales gurus.

In MLM, they often find themselves nudging their close friends and family to join the company and utilize its products, driven by the belief that these are the best and most affordable options.

This conviction is often instilled by semi-credible claims made during company presentations.

4. What is The Cost of Joining LiveGood?

To become an affiliate with LiveGood, you will need to part with $40 initially.

Following this, a membership fee applies, which is $9.5 per month, or you can choose to pay $99 for an annual membership.

What does this membership offer you?

It provides the privilege of purchasing LiveGood’s products at a discounted rate respecting the retail price.

5. Products Offered by LiveGood

LiveGood offers a range of health and wellness products, including nutritional supplements, skincare, and weight loss products.

LiveGood product image 1

Some of the company’s most popular products include:


  • Bio-Active Complete Multi-Vitamin For Men
  • Bio-Active Complete Multi-Vitamin for Women with Iron
  • D3-K2 2000
  • Ultra Magnesium Complex
  • Complete Plant-Based Protein
  • Organic Super Greens
  • Organic Super Reds
  • Organic Coffee
  • CBD Oil
  • CBD Oil – For Pets
  • Essential Aminos
  • Factor4 – Advanced Inflammation Management
  • CBD Pain Relief Cream
  • Collagen Peptides

Limited Time Products

  • E3 – Energy, Endurance, Electrolytes
  • Instant Youth
  • Ageless Skin Serum
LiveGood product image 2

Product Packages

  • Daily Essentials Pack
  • Lean Body Pack
  • Ultimate Wellness Pack
  • Skin Care Pack
  • Maximum Energy Pack
  • Everything Pack

Swag and Accessories

  • LiveGood Hats
  • LiveGood T-Shirts
  • Shaker Bottle
  • LiveGood Polos
  • LiveGood Tank Tops

To get an idea about the product prices, the Instant Youth cream costs $14.95 for members the retail price is $24.95.

6. Is LiveGood a Scam? Here’s My Take

I would be lying if I said LiveGood is a straightforward scam because, technically, they operate within legal boundaries and have a global presence.

However, in my opinion, their operation is dangerously close to what I’d define as a scam.

Their tactics and strategies gave me a sense of deceit during my research, making them a questionable choice for anyone looking to invest time and money.

Here’s why:

A significant red flag is their audacious claim that members can earn up to $2,047.50 per month without having to recruit anyone or sell a single product.

This promise, according to their marketing, is based solely on your presence within their matrix system.

Now, if you’ve had even a minor brush with online or offline business ventures, you would know that such a claim is a far cry from the harsh realities of business.

Their crafty wording of ‘earn UP TO $2,047.50’ is a big red flag.

This misrepresentation doesn’t sit well with me, and it questions the trustworthiness of a company ready to make such a misleading claim to drive subscriptions.

However, this isn’t the only red flag.

Other troubling signs include:

  1. Marketing and selling questionable products such as ‘Instant Youth.’
  2. Utilizing an MLM business model, which often benefits only those at the top.
  3. Promoting a get-rich-quick mentality, which is typically unsustainable and unreliable.
  4. Featuring what appear to be fake reviews.
  5. Operating an outdated website design, which raises questions about their commitment to the user experience.

These concerns point towards caution when dealing with LiveGood.

Always conduct thorough research and understand what you’re getting into before taking the plunge.

7. Is Investing Time and Money in LiveGood Worthwhile?

In my personal view, LiveGood falls short of being a worthy business opportunity.

The skewed reward structure, typical of MLM schemes, benefits only a few at the top of the pyramid.

Meanwhile, most participants, particularly those at the lower levels, see little to no financial gain.

The allure of quick riches that LiveGood promotes can be misleading.

Chances are, it could leave you empty-handed, having wasted your precious time and money.

If you’re passionate about carving out your niche in the digital realm, I’d advise steering clear of get-rich-quick schemes.

Instead, invest your time in understanding the fundamentals of online business and build a venture that could generate a steady, passive income stream over time.

The online world presents various legitimate opportunities, such as blogging, freelancing, affiliate marketing, digital tutoring, and more.

Each avenue can prove rewarding, provided you’re ready to learn, put in the effort, and remain patient.

If you’re just starting, I recommend exploring my top-rated platform. It’s a comprehensive resource offering tools, training, and a supportive community to help you commence your journey in the online business world.

8. Are LiveGood Products Good?

I am not a health professional, but I strongly recommend being cautious with LiveGood’s product line.

Here’s why:

Questionable Business Integrity: If the company isn’t forthright about its business model and income opportunities, it casts doubt on the honesty of its product claims.

Lack of Clinical Data: LiveGood’s offerings lack substantial clinical evidence or data to support their health benefits, which is a major red flag.

Absence of FDA Approval:

None of the products offered by LiveGood are FDA-approved.

The packaging clearly states that none of their claims are validated by the Food and Drug Administration, further underscoring the concern about product efficacy and safety.

Third-party Analysis: While LiveGood does provide certificates of analysis issued by a third-party lab, these only confirm whether specific ingredients are toxic or not.

They do not offer insight into possible long-term side effects associated with these products.

When it comes to health and wellness products, particularly dietary supplements, trust is essential.

Renowned pharmaceutical companies spend years conducting rigorous research and tests. They also continuously monitor and investigate any reported side effects.

Considering these facts, I recommend choosing health products and supplements from well-known, reputable pharmaceutical companies, ideally based on your doctor’s advice.

In the end, it’s your health that matters the most.

9. LiveGood Reviews and Complaints

LiveGood currently holds a solid 4.3-star rating with over 250 reviews on TrustPilot.

However, it’s essential to dig deeper as some of these reviews may not be entirely credible.

For instance, many glowing reviews come from individuals who have just joined the company—can they truly ascertain its profitability so quickly?

On the other hand, there’s a substantial number of negative reviews that highlight serious concerns. For a more balanced perspective, it’s vital to take these into account:

livegood truspilot review 1
livegood truspilot review 2
livegood truspilot review 3

Additionally, remember that some positive online reviews are written by people involved in the company’s MLM scheme, aiming to grow their network and attract more recruits.

For unbiased opinions, consider exploring Reddit discussions on LiveGood, where many users share experiences of friends or family who’ve joined the program, often expressing dissatisfaction with the outcome.

If you’ve got some time on your hands, I suggest you watch this investigative video on LiveGood to gain a clearer understanding of how such pyramid-structured companies operate:

Furthermore, the Better Business Bureau’s (BBB) website shows five complaints lodged against LiveGood, with only one marked as resolved.

Generally, while the high number of positive reviews may seem encouraging, it’s usually crucial to examine them critically and consider the source and potential biases.

Wrapping Up: LiveGood Review Summary

LiveGood is an MLM company centered around health and wellness products.

Despite being legally established and operating out of the United States, their reliance on questionable marketing tactics raises serious concerns.

Through my investigation, I’ve flagged several disconcerting aspects, including:

  • Overhyped promises of rapid wealth accumulation with minimal effort
  • Promotions of dubious products, like “get young quick cream.”
  • An underlying pyramid scheme structure

As a precautionary measure, I strongly urge you to source your supplements and health-related products from reputable pharmaceutical companies.

Furthermore, if you aim to launch an online business, I recommend initiating your journey with legitimate strategies for creating a passive income stream online.

One downside of getting involved with network marketing or MLM companies is the potential strain it places on personal relationships. Often, those involved promote these products to their close social circles, including family and friends, which can lead to tension and discomfort.

MLM companies and your MLM-affiliated acquaintances may persuade you that they’re offering unrivaled, cost-effective products.

However, this belief usually lacks substantial evidence or factual backing.

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Your Thoughts on LiveGood

Have you ever sampled any products from LiveGood?

What was your impression of their quality and effectiveness?

What are your thoughts regarding their business opportunity?

Feel free to share your experiences, insights, and concerns in the comments section. I appreciate your input and will respond as quickly as I can.



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