AmeriPlan Scam Review: 8 Things You Need to Know!

by | Updated Jun 9, 2024 | 12 comments

By reading this AmeriPlan review, you’ll get to know:

  • What is AmeriPlan?
  • Is it a legit opportunity or a SCAM?
  • How does it work?

Are these topics on your mind? You’re in the right place!

Let’s unravel the truth about AmeriPlan.


Name: AmeriPlan USA


Owners: Denis and Daniel Bloom

Costs: From one-time payment of $20 + recurring payment of $24.95 per month

LEI Rating: 3 out of 5      |      Scam or Legit: Legit      |      Is it recommended? No!

1. What is AmeriPlan USA?

AmeriPlan is an international entity established in 1992 by Denis and Daniel Bloom. It was conceived to provide affordable healthcare and dental services to the average American household.

Initially, they offered discounted medical and dental services, vision prescriptions, and chiropractic services. In recent years, they have expanded to include additional savings programs, including family legal, financial, and more.

However, there’s a catch:

You must become a member and pay a monthly membership fee to avail of these discounts.

In recent times, many free-to-use savings cards and discount services have emerged. With diligent research, you could find similar free services.

2. What products or services does it offer?

AmeriPlan presents three membership plans, covering dental plans, chiropractic care, and medical plans.

AmeriPlan Dental Plus

The $20 registration fee plus a recurring monthly payment of $24.95 for the entire household.

This membership plan provides discounts for Dental, Vision, Prescription, Wellness Screenings, Hearing, and Chiropractic services.

AmeriPlan MED Plus

This membership plan includes Telemedicine, Prescription savings, Ancillary services, Medical Travel Assistance, and Hospital Advocacy.

AmeriPlan Deluxe Plus

This plan requires a $30 registration fee and a recurring monthly payment of $39.95 for the entire household.

This package includes both Dental Plus discounts and MED Plus.

Additionally, it offers non-medical discounts from Office Depot, Dell Computers, Sprint, JCP Portraits & Free Conference Calling, and AmeriPlan Cash Back Saver.

3. Earning Money with AmeriPlan

While we’ve covered Ameriplan’s products and their money-saving potential, it’s also a home-based business opportunity.

Here’s how:


Becoming a Benefits Consultant (BC) with AmeriPlan involves two steps:

  1. Pay a 24.95 Annual Enrollment Fee (AEF).
    After completing this step, you will have access to AmeriPlan Corporate Services, but you can’t generate any residual income before completing the second step.
  2. Purchase or Sell any Dental Plus, Med Plus, or Deluxe Plus Membership.
    After completing this step, you’ll become an active BC, and you can generate commissions.

In short,

To generate income with AmeriPlan, you must become an active BC and promote it to prospective clients.

A commission of 40% is offered on all recurring payments.

What Will AmeriPlan Give to You As a BC?

The AmeriPlan Corp Services include:

  • Performance-based Bonus/Rewards
  • Corporate Services
  • E-commerce Enabled Website
  • IBO Back Office/ Training website: A portal with all data about your sales organization, commissions, training, etc.
  • Sales Director Programs: Additional insurance + Direct deposit banking

4. Who is AmeriPlan Ideal For?

AmeriPlan caters to two distinct groups:

  1. Individuals seeking healthcare discount offers
  2. Individuals interested in promoting AmeriPlan to earn commissions

5. Does AmeriPlan offer training?

Yes, AmeriPlan does provide training and support.

Training includes live calls, training modules, and assistance when required.

6. Does AmeriPlan Provide Necessary Tools?

AmeriPlan provides an automated website and handles application processing, membership fulfillment, customer service, etc.

It’s worth mentioning that these are fundamental tools that most affiliate businesses offer. Advanced marketing tools like SEO, Link tracking, or similar products are not part of the package.

7. How Much Does AmeriPlan Cost?

As previously discussed, costs vary depending on the chosen membership type. However, the minimum cost involves a one-time payment of $20 for registration, a recurring payment of $24.95 per month, and a yearly recurring payment of $24.95 (If you aim to earn with it).


  • Discounts for uninsured individuals
  • Flexibility to work anytime, anywhere
  • Phone support
  • Training
  • Automated customized website
  • Numerous bonuses and motivational programs


  • A membership fee is mandatory to stay in the business.
  • Savings are limited to healthcare providers who accept AmeriPlan
  • Earning potential is restricted to promoting only AmeriPlan
  • There are several complaints and negative reviews about AmeriPlan
  • Several complaints categorize it as an MLM-type product, which benefits a few while the majority spend and lose money (Reference: AmeriPlan reviews on

8. Is AmeriPlan USA a Scam?

Let’s bring clarity to this question!

No, AmeriPlan USA is not a scam!




Primarily because it’s challenging to make money with this system, and the services you receive in return for your investment are limited.

Firstly, the process on this website is more convoluted than it needs to be!

The fact that to earn with AmeriPlan, you are restricted to promoting their service is a major concern.

Instead of investing in AmeriPlan, we recommend learning affiliate marketing.

You can earn up to 70% commissions by promoting numerous online products. There’s no need to limit yourself to a single product.

By mastering affiliate marketing, you can compare diverse products and select the one with the best quality and highest margin!

You can create multiple websites and target various niches.

You can even identify superior products in healthcare or discount card niches! (Considered as AmeriPlan Niche)

Therefore, the complicated process of becoming an active BC doesn’t justify the effort!

AmeriPlan USA is not a scam. However, it’s not the most lucrative way to earn a residual income!

There are better methods to generate passive income.

The good news is that:

Some services allow you to start for free!

I have picked the best among hundreds of high-quality products and will introduce you here!

You can start with my favorite program if you’re seeking a work-from-home opportunity.

Some benefits include:

  • Free to start: A lifetime free membership that allows you to earn
  • Access to up-to-date training, tutorials, and courses
  • Access to classrooms for asking questions
  • 1-on-1 support and live chat
  • A website builder that crafts a website in less than a minute (Powered by the most advanced Content Management System (CMS) in the world)

To illustrate the difference, here is a comparison table:


Final Thoughts on AmeriPlan USA

In summary, I don’t recommend AmeriPlan USA due to the high costs involved before you can test the system.

I don’t see any compelling reason to limit yourself to a single product in a single niche.

If you want to work from home selling high-quality products, you don’t need to pay for AmeriPlan membership plans.

Whether your expertise lies in photography, engineering, automobiles, computer science, finance, or other fields, you can promote affiliate products related to your knowledge.

Marketing principles are universal and can be applied in any niche you desire. There’s no need to trouble yourself with Ameriplan’s complicated platform and plans. You don’t need to pay for their membership plan to learn product marketing.

AmeriPlan creates a money-making opportunity by promoting its product.

So, what happens is that you should pay them and become a member before you can take any action. Then, you need to convince others to do the same. And so, the cycle continues…

From my perspective, this isn’t a robust long-term strategy for a home-based business.

Typically, most customers lose money in services with similar business models instead of saving.

As I mentioned earlier, there are better ways you can explore to learn how to start a home-based business with more opportunities.

You can check out the full review of my recommended product.

Check Out My #1 Rated Platform Here

What’s Your Take?

Do you have any questions or comments about this review? Have you had any experience with AmeriPlan USA? Did you know about it before? Do you have any queries?


I will get back to you as fast as I can.



  1. Jackie

    I can’t remember where…but I know I’ve seen or heard about Ameriplan before. In fact, I think I even looked into their dental plan. Obviously, I must not have thought it was a good plan because I didn’t go for it. Your review is really good with lots of good information here. Thank you

    • Ash

      Hello Jackie,

      It’s highly probable that you’ve found a better alternative in your research. Although some of AmeriPlan’s programs might be helpful in special cases, the one thing that I know for sure is that:

      If you want to make money online, AmeriPlan USA, is not a good choice for you; Not at all.

  2. Jim Santiago

    It is multilevel marketing system in order to gain sales & recruits new BC.There is no such thing people pick up your ads and call you liked getting inbound calls at home, then the next call leave a message then you go outbound, you need 30 calls to make a good money. And you go social media you can’t avoid convincing your prospects and American Plan products & services you offer is not transparency on behalf of the benefit consultant either, its a very hard sell not recommended work at home base but yes on conventional marketing liked insurance, however its a good discount benefit health club people without insurance and ideal to offer for small group of employees as fringe benefit!”There is still plenty of fishes in the ocean to get catch”

    • Ash

      If you have no previous experience in marketing, it is hard to sell AmeriPlan products. That is why I don’t recommend it as a home-based business. But, surely, they have good discounts and other benefits for their inner club people.

  3. Kelly Renwrick

    Hi Ash I have been apart of Wealthy Affiliate and they do charge you a premium membership by the month and they even force you to upgrade to this membership or the yearly membership for $399.00 or $499.00 for the year and $49.95 for the monthly charge!!!!!!!! The training is okay but could be more current and there are very few people that make money with this business, even promoting WA and they pay it in PayPal and from what I can see with Ameriplan you can make monies with this business, it’s not a get rich quick scheme, there’s a chance to make good monies with it and they pay their commissions with real monies and not with PayPal and they pay if make monies before the 15th of each month you get paid and if not it carries over to the next month all that you have earned and you can be something other than BC you can be one of the Jumpstart Consultants membership levels and promote the business and get paid at different bonus levels and commissions levels to make money selling the Discount Health Plans and promoting the work from home business as a Jumpstart membership levels to advance and get paid!!!!!!!!!!!! SO I WILL STICK WITH THE AMERIPLAN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY AND MAKE MONIES WITH THIS BUSINESS AND NOT WITH WEALTHY AFFILIATE!!!!!!!!!

    • Ash

      Hi Kelly and thank you for sharing your opinion with us.

      In this review, I never mentioned AmeriPlan as a get rich quick scheme but that I think Wealthy Affiliate is a more complete path if you want to start an online business because:
      – They provide the support of the community
      – Many helpful tools like website builder, keyword tool, etc
      – You are not limited to promote a single product. You can choose a niche and create a business around it (you can promote health insurance products as well).
      – You can start free

      I should also clarify that some of your points are not accurate:
      – You can have a free account with Wealthy Affiliate and never upgrade but you won’t have access to premium tools and training.
      – If you would like to pay monthly but if you choose to pay annually, you get a discount pretty much like any other online service

      In the end, I would also suggest to stick whatever program you are more comfortable with of course. I just share my opinion to give you a heads up before you invest your time or money in a program.

      And keep in mind that the most important part is to take persistent action besides all the training and the tools.

  4. Allen

    It looks like this was written and along time ago and the benefits of being member seem to be much more now than the were when this was written

    • Ash

      Hey Allen, I appreciate your comment. In my review, I mainly focused on AmeriPlan’s potential as a business opportunity. If there are significant benefits that I may have missed, please let me know. I’ll gladly explore them further and I’ll update my post accordingly.

  5. Wendy

    Ameriplan just took $200 from me and then didn’t send me anything they promised. I couldn’t even get into the training. Sally Streck called my phone and screamed at me and told me tech problems never happen in her company and wouldn’t even let me speak. I GOT SCAMMED.
    Trying to recover the money they took looks pretty hopeless.
    Please don’t lead people to think this is legitimate. It’s not.

    • Ash

      Hi Wendy, and thank you for sharing your experience. I’m truly sorry to hear about your experience with AmeriPlan. It’s essential to share such experiences to help others make informed decisions.

      If you couldn’t resolve the issue directly with the company, you may report it to FTC or file a complaint on BBB.

      While Ameriplan is a registered company working for years, I do not recommend it as a financial opportunity. Feel free to check out my other recommendations.

  6. Brigitta

    They’re calling me. I was on one of their calls last night. I wanted to do a lot of research about them before jumping in and I’m glad I did. This was very helpful. I’m going to pass on them. It’s really not for me.

    • LEI Team

      I’m glad this review helped you. Thanks for your comment.


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