What is Fiverr and how to be a top rated seller?

by | Updated May 1, 2022 | 0 comments

What is Fiverr - featured image

What is Fiverr all about and how does it work?

Briefly, Fiverr.com. is one of the biggest and fastest growing “micro-job” websites out there.

In Fiverr, you can buy or/and sell a service. As a buyer, you can find almost anything you want – from SEO services to graphic designs – with a competitive price. As a seller, you can start making money with Fiverr right now!

For example, if you have a good voice you can offer a voice over gig. The best thing about Fiverr is that they take care of all of the marketing stuff. It has a large audience and if you offer a good service and get positive reviews it automatically gets you more and more customers over time.

It’s a great way for graphic designers, writers, programmers, etc. to get experience and start building a client base business. But as any visit to Fiverr’s forum will tell you, success does not come simply by setting up an account and making a “gig.”

If you intend to buy anything from Fiverr, the most important thing to do is to read both positive and negative reviews about that particular gig and check out seller’s sample works if available. I always start a conversation with the seller before my first order to make sure they communicate well.

However, if you intend to become a seller it’s gonna be a little tricky but don’t worry we will now review the important characteristic of successful sellers on Fiverr.

What you need to be successful as a Fiverr seller:

Patiencepatience graphic

Nothing is going to be more important for being successful on Fiverr than patience. It is going to take some time to make your first sale, to earn your level one and level two badges, and to continue making money. Many people give up after a month because they are not already “Top Rated Sellers,” (Fiverr’s highest classification of seller), without realizing that most TRS had to work for years to get that coveted position.

A valuable skillskills graphic

Time for some tough love: if you are trying to sell graphic design services and you are not a talented graphic designer, you are not going to be successful. In order to be successful on Fiverr, you have to be really, really good at what you do, both to make your clients happy and to be able to finish your orders fast enough that it is actually worth your time to do those orders.

Self-motivationmotivation graphic

One of the biggest reasons many people fail on Fiverr is simply because they do not have the drive to put in the hours that success on this website requires. If you are not a self-motivated person, you are going to have a very difficult time getting your work done in a timely manner. You have to have the motivation to work hard enough to make enough money to sustain yourself.

It’s your turn

If you haven’t done it yet, go ahead and click here to check out Fiverr yourself. Browse several gigs in different categories to get ideas. There are lots of creativity hidden there.

No matter what you do online, it’s highly probable that you find a useful service on Fiverr.

I hope you enjoyed this article. What do you think about Fiverr? We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Especially if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask…



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